Scott Cornwell and Roy Schroedl

Songwriters Showcase

The April Songwriters Showcase shares the original music of singer songwriters Scott Cornwell and Roy Schroedl.

Songwriter Showcase encourages the creation and sharing of original music by regional singer songwriters.

Scott Cornwell’s music is rooted in rock, folk, soul, bluegrass, old time, and funk. He performs on the many unique acoustic and electric banjos he has built.

Roy’s specialty is performing acoustic rock on 12-string acoustic guitar. His vocals channel a cross between Tom Waits, Jimmy Buffett and Cat Stevens.

Open to the public.

May 16, 2024, from 7-9 pm
Free, donations appreciated. Refreshments available.

Special thanks to sponsors Mark and Mary Ellen.

This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.

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