This heartwarming and haunting play, written by Ted Williams and Robyn Davis, is set in the early Galena lead mining period and details the life of Theodore Jones, a Welsh miner and his family. Written in a Welsh folkloric style, Will-O'-the-Wisp is filled with history, humor, romance, superstition, mystery, and, of course, a bit of whiskey.
February 16, 17, 23, and 24, 2024 - 7 pm
February 18 and 25, 2024 - 2 pm
Ticket prices: Adults $23, Students $10
We’re on the lookout for volunteers to usher for Will-O’-the-Wisp! Click here to choose a performance/time slot. Volunteers can attend the play free of charge!
Sign-up to volunteer as an usher!
This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency, a state agency.