The Guthries and Chad Aaron Olson, Jr.

Songwriters Showcase

The July Songwriters Showcase will feature singer-songwriters' The Guthries and Chad Aaron Olson, Jr.

The Guthries are an American roots duo performing acoustic music seasoned with rock, folks, blues and country. Scott and Erika Guthrie, the two halves of the duo, are multi-instrumentalists well-versed in guitars, banjo, bass, mandolin, and light percussion. They perform original music at weddings, private parties, public venues, and special events. Check out The Guthries on Facebook.

Chad Aaron Olson Jr., performs original rock music sprinkled with blues. The Dubuque-area musician is a masterful guitar player and singer who describes himself as “a young man with an old soul!” You can listen to Chad’s music on Spotify, Youtube and Apple Music, or follow him on Facebook and Instagram.

This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency, a state agency.

July 21, 2022, from 7-9 pm
Free, donations appreciated

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