Lexi Healey and Holy Crowe

Songwriters Showcase

Songwriter Showcase encourages the creation and sharing of original music by regional singer songwriters.

September featured artist Lexi Healey is a singer/songwriter from the Dubuque area who’s been performing as long as she can remember. While she dabbles in many genres of music, her most prevalent styles feature soft rock, folk, and pop. She enjoys telling her own stories through her original works, and hopes her voice will guide you through all kinds of emotions and experiences, but most of all, she hopes to bring you joy.

Holy Crowe is based out of Lancaster, WI. Their music blends the sounds of old mountain gospel, traditional bluegrass and a little honky tonk.

The Showcase will be held outdoors at the Galena Center for the Arts, weather permitting.

September 19, 2024, from 7-9 pm
Free, donations appreciated. Refreshments available.

This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.

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